Consultation Your expectations will be discussed. Communication is clear on what the end result will look like. A guideline
is created with conventional make-up but... the final decision is yours.
Pre-Procedure Care
& Considerations - Avoid
caffeine prior to procedure. Caffeine is a stimulant.
- Getting a procedure during your
period can make you hyper-sensitive.
- Zovarix (a prescripion drug)or L-Lysine (over the counter)is
recommended if you have a history of cold sores. Start one week prior to lip procedures.
- Check
with your physician prior to procedure if you have severe diabetes, hepatitis, or heart problems.
Pigment Application A custom pigment is mixed to compliment your special coloring. A topical
anesthetic is applied to the treatment area. The permanent make-up specialist implants pigment using sterilized disposable
needles. Strict sanitation and sterilization guidelines are followed. The pigments used are formulated specifically for permanent
cosmetic use. The comfort level varies from client to client. Most report the feeling of vibration and anxiety rather than
discomfort. Additional anestheic is advisable if desired. Post-Procedure Care & Considerations - Do not swim or steam areas until healed. A shower is recommend over a bath.
- Touch the treated area
only with clean hands.
- No makeup until area is healed.
- Do not pick, scrub or scratch treated area.
- Follow
any additional directions from your technician.
The area treated will look much darker and more defined that the final
result. BE PATIENT. It will look much softer 5-6 days depending on how fast your skin heals. Most clients will go to work
the next day. Tenderness is expected, but slight brusing and irritation may sometimes occur.
Follow Any Additional
Advice From Your Technician
Make an adjustment appointment after the healing process if there is anything you would
like changed. A premature touch-up can result in scaring, tenderness and inaccurate color. Color cannot be adjusted until
it has healed.
Brows will be tender for 1-2 days appear dark for 5-6
days, then dramaticlly soften up to 50%. Fresh powder maybe used to soften during the healing process.

Expect the eye to be tender for 1-2 days. You may do
the following if the area is swollen after the procedure: A - Wet a tea bag in cold water and apply for at least 10 minutes. B - Apply an ice pack.

Lip Color
This area will take longer to heal. The color will be extremely
bright for 7-8 days then fade to no color and reappear after 3-6 weeks.
